Workshop I: Session for Novice Scholars

Hong-Gu He, Ph.D., MD, RN, FAAN

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Beyond the Thesis: Crafting Your Scholarly Legacy

Akari Maeda-Suzuki, Ph.D., RN, PHN

University of Tokyo, Japan

Lessons from My First Research Funding Experience on Interprofessional Collaboration to Achieve 'Good Death'

Jongmin Park, Ph.D., RN

Pusan National University, Korea

Navigating the Academic Journey: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Early Career Research Funding Experience

Workshop II: Session for Novice Scholars and Graduate Students

Mari Ikeda, Ph.D., RN, PHN

University of Tokyo, Japan

Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge: Mixed Methods in Nursing Research

Eunyoung E. Suh, Ph.D., FNP, RN

Seoul National University, Korea

Qualitative Meta Synthesis in Nursing Research

Workshop III: Session for Novice Scholars and Graduate Students

Cheol-Heui Yun, Ph.D.

Seoul National University, Korea

Nursing Research: Research and Publication Ethics